Suicide bombing thwarted

Suicide bombing thwarted


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    In recent days it was discovered that the Tanzim terror infrastructure in Nablus which is directed and supported by the Hizbullah terrorist organization, was operating to dispatch a suicide bombing into Israel.

    In a joint operation of the ISA, the IDF and the Israel Police on July 13-14, Rabih Hasnin Muna 26 from Nablus was arrested on suspicion of hosting the bomber. In his investigation he revealed several details regarding the identity of the bomber.

    On the basis of this information, the bomber - Ahmed Ali Mhamed Bushqar, 17 from Nablus - and another terrorist who served as his guide - Assan Puaz Abdullah Maalauni, 24 from Nablus - were arrested. The two managed to leave Nablus and waited for the explosives at the village of Mesha, near the Trans-Samaria road, near Elkana. The Tanzim terrorists used the local furniture carpentry shops, which are mainly used by local Palestinian workers, as a platform for leaving the area in order to carry out the suicide attack, taking advantage of hiding places in delivery trucks that are loaded with furniture and the proximity to Israeli civilian locations.

    Assan and Ahmed confessed to the accusations against them and provided the name of Halil Adal Ibrahim Darduh 39, from Nablus as the driver who was supposed to have delivered the explosive device hidden in a couch in his truck. The device exploded in the area of Beit-Amrin near Nablus, and the driver of the truck was arrested later that day.